In this blog post, we delve into the fascinating theory proposed by William Search in his books "Why" and "Conversations with chatGPT: Exploring the Theory of Morality and Existence." According to Search, the reason humans exist is intrinsically tied to morality. We shall explore this theory by examining the works of psychologist Michael Tomasello, who has been researching the moral behavior of apes for nearly three decades. His findings shed light on the unique development of human morality, rooted in our remarkable ability to collaborate and cooperate beyond what is observed in our primate cousins.
Tomasello's Findings and the Moral Compass Theory
Tomasello's research investigates the social intelligence and community behavior of chimpanzees and human children. His findings suggest that, while chimpanzees may exhibit some semblance of a moral compass, human morality is far more advanced due to our collaborative and cooperative nature.
Hunting for Food and Early Human Cooperation
One intriguing aspect of Tomasello's theory is the link between early humans' food acquisition methods and the development of communal behavior. Chimpanzees and humans diverged from a common ancestor approximately six million years ago, adopting distinct strategies for obtaining sustenance. Chimpanzees forage individually, while early humans collaborated in hunting. This cooperative behavior, essential for survival, may have laid the foundation for our moral compass. Fossils from around 400,000 years ago already depict humans cooperating to hunt large prey, thus highlighting an early proclivity for collaboration.
Collaboration, Cooperation, and the Emergence of Morality
Tomasello's theory posits that the evolution of morality in humans is closely connected to our development of collaborative and cooperative behaviors. Our ancestors' need to work together to procure food and ensure survival likely led to the establishment of moral values and a strong sense of community. In turn, these communal bonds reinforced the concept of the moral compass. This perspective lends credence to the idea that morality is a fundamental aspect of human existence, having evolved as a direct result of our species' unique social and cooperative inclinations.
In summary, William Search's books "Why" and "Conversations with chatGPT: Exploring the Theory of Morality and Existence" present a compelling argument for the centrality of morality in human existence. Drawing on Michael Tomasello's research on apes and their moral behavior, the theory suggests that our innate sense of morality emerged from our ancestors' need to collaborate and cooperate in order to survive. This exploration of the origins of morality underscores its foundational role in shaping the essence of humanity.