Based on the ideas presented in William Search's books “Why” and “Conversations with chatGPT: Exploring the Theory of Morality and Existence”.
The Universality of Spiritual Experiences
The fascinating realm of neurotheology, as studied by experts like Andrew Newberg, has shed light on how spiritual experiences, despite the variegated religious affiliations of individuals, display similarities at the neurological level. This uniformity in the human experience of spirituality supports the idea of oneness and highlights the potential universality of morality as the reason for human existence.
Moral Compass and Spiritual Experiences
It is within the realm of possibility that spiritual experiences occurring inside the brain serve as a conduit for divine communication, guiding our moral compasses towards growth. As the brain processes information, beliefs, and decisions, alterations in brain activity during spiritual experiences may be the means by which a higher power communicates with us.
Dr. Newberg's statement that “There is no Christian, there is no Jewish, there is no Muslim, it's just all one” emphasizes the concept of oneness by asserting that the core of spirituality transcends religious divisions. This notion suggests a shared spiritual nature among all humans, regardless of their religious background.
The existence of spiritual experiences across all faiths aligns with the theory that the purpose of human existence is morality. Most religions impart moral codes and principles to guide their followers, fostering the growth of their moral compasses. As spiritual experiences inspire feelings of compassion, empathy, and love, individuals become more morally attuned and are drawn towards more compassionate interactions with others.
Transcending the Physical World
Spiritual experiences often evoke a sense of transcendence, allowing individuals to surpass the constraints of the physical world and connect with something greater than themselves. This connection fosters the development of a deeper understanding of moral principles and ethical behavior, further supporting the theory that the purpose of human existence is morality.
In conclusion, the presence of spiritual experiences in all faiths and the universal nature of spirituality provide compelling evidence for the theory that the reason for human existence is morality. As individuals from various religious backgrounds share a common spiritual nature and engage with moral codes and principles, their collective moral compasses grow, reflecting the fundamental purpose of our existence.