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37. Exploring William Search's Moral Compass Theory

Dora Dell

Updated: Mar 24, 2023


In this blog post, we will explore the concept of the moral compass as a theory, based on the ideas presented by William Search in his books "Why" and "Conversations with ChatGPT: Exploring the Theory of Morality and Existence." We will discuss the philosophical nature of this theory, its relation to faith, and how the moral principles of atheists can reinforce belief in a higher power.

The Moral Compass: A Matter of Philosophy and Faith

According to William Search, the moral compass is indeed a theory, much like the famous philosophical assertion, "I think, therefore I am." It is an idea that cannot be explained by empirical data but stems from asking the fundamental question, "Why?" The moral compass theory is a matter of faith, built on our innate curiosity and drive to understand our existence and purpose.

The Paradoxical Nature of Proving the Moral Compass Theory

Interestingly, the moral compass theory can never be confirmed or proven, as doing so would eliminate the fear of death. This fear plays a crucial role in the growth of our moral compass, as previously discussed. Proving the existence of a moral compass would negate the very basis upon which it is built, hindering its development and growth.

Belief in God and the Moral Principles of Atheists

When asked about his belief in God, William Search explains that his faith is actually reinforced by the strong moral compasses often displayed by atheists. He argues that these individuals develop their moral principles through evolution, despite not believing in a higher power. The presence of a strong moral compass in atheists serves as a testament to the universality and significance of morality in human existence, further strengthening Search's belief in a divine presence.


The moral compass theory, as proposed by William Search, provides a thought-provoking perspective on human existence and morality. It emphasizes the role of faith and the importance of asking fundamental questions to understand our purpose in life. The moral compass, as a philosophical idea, connects us all, regardless of our beliefs, and serves as a reminder that our pursuit of understanding and growth in morality transcends empirical data and logic. Ultimately, the moral compass theory presents a compelling argument that our shared journey towards moral growth is an intrinsic part of what makes us human.


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