The Stoics were a philosophical school founded by Zeno of Citium, and their teachings are still relevant today. The Stoics emphasized living in accordance with reason and virtue and believed that inner peace and happiness could be achieved by aligning oneself with the rational and divine order of the universe. They believed that emotions such as fear, anxiety, and anger were caused by misplaced desires and judgments and that by embracing a rational perspective, one could achieve inner peace and happiness.

Stoics believed that living a life of virtue and practicing the four cardinal virtues – wisdom, justice, courage, and temperance – was the key to achieving moral goodness. They believed that virtue was the only true good and that external things such as wealth and pleasure were meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Stoics also emphasized the importance of living in the present moment and accepting whatever happens as part of the natural order of things.
Stoicism is often associated with resilience and the ability to endure and overcome adversity. The Stoics believed in the concept of stoicism, or the ability to endure difficult circumstances without excessive emotion. This meant finding meaning and fulfillment in the present moment, regardless of one's circumstances.
Stoic philosophy has had a profound impact on Western thought, and its ideas continue to be studied and discussed by philosophers today. Its emphasis on virtue and living in accordance with reason and the divine order of the universe provides a framework for living a meaningful and fulfilling life, regardless of one's circumstances. As William Search theorized in his books "Why" and "Conversations with ChatGPT: Exploring the Theory of Morality and Existence," the Stoic emphasis on morality is crucial to understanding the purpose of human existence.